Baked Bread and Coffee in World War Two

Learning to Bake bread
Bakers learn to bake bread during outdoor training. Rain or shine, the bread must go on!

 Here is a revelation that I had when I was working on my new book The Meals of War – Feeding the Great to the Grunts in World War Two.

Bakers were a major factor in winning World War Two for Allied forces.

 Sure, some people can argue with me. And I understand the efforts put forth by all of the services and the members of the military branches.

What I am saying is don’t discount what the aroma of fresh-baked bread can have on a group of fighting men. Then add in the smell of coffee .

Yes, all sides baked bread, cooked meals and had incredible advancements ration development and all things culinary. In the United States and other Allied countries the effort was just put into a higher gear.

(pre-order The Meals of War here)

Cooks and bakers schools opened at bases across the country. Bakers learned how to bake bread in ovens in the kitchen and ovens made of mud in the field. And in everything in between. Not only were the fighting men trained so were POW’s and women serving in WAVEs, SPARS and WACS.

Fresh bread, coffee, a USO show and a Coke. Many veterans can tell you that those simple things mean a lot when you were across the globe in a foxhole.

(pre-order The Meals of War here)

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